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Upper Limb Pain Treatment in Boston, MA

From sports-related injuries to post-accident strains, underlying musculoskeletal concerns, and beyond, neck and shoulder pain can be a debilitating condition to navigate. Fortunately, sustainable relief is closer than you may think. Reclaim your comfort with Charles Street Family Chiropractic and our trusted chiropractic treatment for shoulder and arm pain in Boston, MA.

Upper Limb Pain Treatment in Boston, MA

Understanding Upper Arm & Shoulder Pain

Upper arm and shoulder pain refers to distress and/or discomfort in areas of the arms, hands, and shoulders, impacting the ligaments and muscles. These conditions can be derived from several factors and range in degrees of severity. Furthermore, these injuries do not always appear immediately and may take weeks or months for symptoms to develop.

Neck & Shoulder Pain Causes

Neck and shoulder pain causes include contact-sport injuries, repetitive strain injuries, nerve impingements, and several musculoskeletal disorders, and sometimes, they’re even linked to poor posture. However, the most common reason behind neck and shoulder pain is car accidents. Even minor collisions can cause severe pain and an array of uncomfortable symptoms.

Shoulder & Arm Pain After a Car Accident

Shoulder and arm pain after a car accident may not be immediately apparent, often appearing only once the tension has subsided. Common car accident-related injuries include:

  • Neck injuries that stretch ligaments connecting to the shoulders and arms
  • Direct force injuries that impact the shoulders, arms, and neck
  • Whiplash tension injuries

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms vary depending on the nature and extent of the injury. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Dull ache or sharp, pulsating pain in the arm, hand, or shoulder joint
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Weakness or restricted range of motion
  • Inability or pain when lifting objects
  • Stiffness or tingling
  • Visible swelling or tenderness

Diagnosing Neck & Shoulder Pain

Following an accident, it’s imperative to seek medical attention. However, if the pain develops later, chiropractic shoulder pain treatment can be highly effective in achieving relief. At Charles Street Family Chiropractic, we specialize in diagnosing the root cause of pain to develop personalized treatment plans that align with your needs.

Shoulder & Arm Pain Differential Diagnosis

Our experts use advanced diagnostic procedures to identify the source of your shoulder and arm pain. We review the suspected cause of your injury and medical history and conduct a physical assessment to evaluate your spinal alignment. We then leverage our experience to develop a tailored chiropractic treatment plan to help you begin your healing process.

Chiropractic Treatment for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain treatment with Charles Street Family Chiropractic is a holistic approach to healing. We treat the body as a whole with non-invasive treatments that gently manipulate the spine, mobilize the joints, and address soft tissue damage. We aim to promote optimized nerve function while eliminating musculoskeletal imbalances to alleviate current and future pain.

The Importance of Timely Intervention

Neck and shoulder pain calls for timely intervention. Delaying professional care or overlooking symptoms can exacerbate the condition, leading to greater discomfort and potentially life-long complications. The longer symptoms are left untreated, the more challenging they are to reverse, leading to life-altering discomfort that compromises your quality of life.

Why Choose Charles Street Family Chiropractic

Prioritize your healing with Charles Street Family Chiropractic. With decades of experience and a patient-centric approach to holistic care, we are Boston, MA’s leading source for chiropractic treatment for shoulder and arm pain. We go beyond treating symptoms. We identify the source of your pain to develop tailored corrective treatment plans that unlock sustainable comfort. In practice for 35 years with experience tending to victims of auto accidents and observing the repercussions of inadequate care, Dr. Chris Quigley composed a thorough book. Intended to offer assistance to both car accident victims and their legal representatives,” After the Car Crash!  A Comprehensive Guide for Victims and Attorneys to Recover Your Health and Protect Your Rights”  aims to mitigate the aftermath of such incidents.

Schedule Chiropractic Treatment for Neck & Shoulder Pain Today

Put the weight of your car accident or injury behind you with Charles Street Family Chiropractic. As Boston, MA’s trusted destination for chiropractic treatment for neck and shoulder pain, we’re here to alleviate tension, strain, and discomfort with personalized, holistic care plans and time-honored guidance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.